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Alvin Tan Potter Singapore

My relationship with clay started off as a hobby and has become an indispensable part of my life. Pottery is an extremely challenging art form - from preparing the clay, conceptualizing and designing artwork, executing handwork using a variety of techniques, concocting glazes, building a kiln for firing, to making tools, and so on. 

The rigor of pottery has intrigued potters throughout history who have devoted their lives to studying and developing the art. The Tang Dynasty Tri-Colours, Sung Dynasty tea bowls, Japanese creation “Raku” during the warring periods are examples of some great contributions from unknown and famous potters alike. Pottery has a history of more than ten thousand years. By knowing its history and understanding the essence of it, we can create a better future.

Not only is it important to ensure history is passed on by word-of-mouth and in books, it will be even more effective if we can see, feel, and be in a place from the past. Only then can we build on achievements from history to scale greater heights.

As the spotlight shifts to contemporary concepts and installations, perhaps many have forgotten the humble pot or tea bowl. Likely even fewer remember the unknown potters whose creations have become the foundation pillars of pottery art.

In my book collection featuring personal works over the last two decades, I highlight the key milestones in pottery history and pay salute to the blood sweat and tears of these unknown potters.  Most importantly, I will like to give thanks for the camaraderie and help of many good friends on my pottery journey.

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Alvin Tan Teck Heng. Singapore. email: Copyrights reserved 2013.

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